Tuesday, April 21, 2009


When I travel I love to people watch. So interesting. I love to listen in on conversations that I'm not supposed to hear. They tell so much about a person. It's the secret conversations that unveil our hearts.

Over this last weekend I got to hang out with my kids in Alabama (their new home). I hate them being so far away but it's life right now. While visiting them I got to hear and watch their competition pieces for the National A/G Youth Fine Arts competition. For those of you that don't know...it's kinda like a Christian American Idol of sorts. Except it's been happening alot longer than AI. I competed in it when I was a kid...that tells you how long it's been!!

While standing to wait to enter a competition room I overheard a group of people talking about another church. Only I was surprised to hear what they were saying. Instead of degrading the other competition they were actually hoping that the other teams did well. What a refreshing thing. In a world where we climb on each other to get ahead it was great to hear (and see) God's heart.

He is always speaking the best about us.

Friday, May 4, 2007


I have been away from the blogosphere for a few days. It's good to be back...

Spring is FINALLY here. I love springtime. Newness. Fresh start. I thought about it this morning as I was mowing my grass.

Last year we beautified the front of our home with some perennials and other greenery. A few of them we weren't sure would last through the Michigan winter. I had looked just 4 or 5 days ago and there was nothing. But by this morning they had grown to about 5 inches. In just a few days life sprang up. They lasted through the cold, hard winter and now are growing again.

God's mercies are new every morning and his love never stops. We too are in a continual state of growing even when we feel the winter will never end. It will end. The sun will shine again. You are created to grow.

Friday, April 27, 2007


I took an entire day (10 hours) to drive down to get Ciara. It was a great ride because my good friend Justin went with me. We talked about life and ministry and the things God was doing in our friends, etc... It was a good drive.

It is always good to see my kids as I only get to see them once a month. It's always a reminder that no matter how far away my kids are they will always be my kids. A great thought about how God looks at us when we are far away from him. We are still his.

Thank God for that cause I have been away at times...

Monday, April 23, 2007


How awesome it is to see your family when you have been away from them for a day. Last week I spent an entire day setting up the brand new set for our "Full Circle" series. It's a series about life and how God is always faithful. We are looking at the story of Joseph in contrast to things that happen in our lives. God brings us full circle from the life that we used to know.

Anyway...I spent the day getting the stage set ready and then spent the night in Canton (instead of home) because I had to leave the church at 5am for an all day conference in Indiana. Since I live 40 minutes away from the church I wanted to be close so I wouldn't have to get up before God to be on time!

After one night and an entire day it was refreshing to see the kids and my wife. Some of you will understand this: It's so good coming home to a place of safety. I know many houses that aren't homes and families that aren't safe. I thank God for the family I have. My immediate family, my church family, and all of my friends. How powerful the safety of families. To be where you are loved...the desire of humans.

Friday, April 20, 2007


I'm sitting around a table talking to some of my closest friends and we are talking about reaching people. We are at a conference and it is stirring our hearts about change in our church. Exciting. How do we connect people to what God is saying to their heart? I love brainstorming and talking about the possibilities. They are really endless.

We are so ready to reach the communities around our church with life. The life of God. The hope of a future that is so good, that we are ready to experience it. Are we having fun yet? You will be...if you want.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

The last 24 hours of Talk

Over the past few days we have been inundated by the media about the VA Tech shooting. How incredibly tragic. The last time I remember feeling this way the Twin Towers were in the process of collapsing. It's truly unbelievable.

How we grieve for the families, and rightfully so, but how often do we stop to think that we aren't promised another breath. We plan for tomorrow, we save for vacations, think about the future, and prepare ourselves for things ahead. But for some, young or old, tomorrow never comes. We are not the author of life nor can we take life away. Real life is what happens when we leave this body. It's our flesh and bones crate that houses our spirit. Some have said that this world is training ground for what lies ahead. I'm not sure I believe that entirely but I do know that our lives are just a vapor in the hands of God. He is in control. Even when it seems he's not, He is.

How incredibly selfish of this one young man who ended 32 lives on planet earth, but how often do we live our life really acting as though this isn't the end. When do we stop living our lives as though what we have defines who we are. Our breath is all that is keeping us from passing on to the next part of this journey. I hope we (humans) are learning that through all the hassles, heartache, pain, and unfortunate circumstances the answer isn't more legislation or greater knowledge but in respecting the life that God gives us all.

God bless all the families, friends and those involved in this troubling time at VA Tech. We pray for you!

Monday, April 16, 2007

I Hate Cleaning

Today was the day I had put off for so long. Time to clean out the audio storage closet in the Creative Arts room. I hate cleaning. It just so boring and knowing it's going to be dirty again in 3 months just kills me even more than leaving it the same. One thing about me...I hate the same thing over and over again. I have to have change once in a while. Before I was married I changed my living room furniture around every few months because I couldn't stand it the same way all the time. Now that I'm married...well, you know that thing about the castle? It's not my decision anymore.

The reason I was cleaning is that we are getting ready for change. This room has needed a makeover for a long time. And tomorrow is the day. Isn't it strange how we hate to clean but we always want the new? If it wasn't for new things coming...would we change? Or...if we weren't forced into it, would we change. Cleaning allows a new thing to happen properly. You can bring a new thing into a junky place and because of the surroundings it doesn't seem new. I have watched God completely wipe people clean so that they can become new. And that they can become new properly. I read something about putting new wine in old skins...it doesn't work. God wants to put new wine in new skins which means the old has to be made new...clean.

Maybe I don't hate cleaning as much as I thought...